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Various Artists | Distraction Records Sampler (Distraction)
To pigeonhole this Newcastle label (and to save some of you some reading), the Distraction sound is one of engaging (but, coincidently, not distracting) lo-fi electro-trickery and folk music. Black Flower particularly impress with their brand of On The Beach-era Neil Young minimalism. Synthetic's Amos-inspired Tori is featured both in its dance floor-bound original form and as a potentially superior dub version. The Tears of Abraham's mix of live and synthesised instrumentation places them alongside Fuxa, whilst See My Sound's eerie/airy, downbeat/downtrodden reflections complete the label's well-rounded roster. Distraction Records sets about creating a "quiet revolution" up North and its doing exactly that.

Chris Horkan
CWAS #12 - Summer 2003
