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The Bloodthirsty Lovers | self-titled (French Kiss)
Recorded between late 2000 and spring of 2001, its only now that The Bloodthirsty Lovers' debut record sees the light of day. Essentially a solo release crafted lovingly by David Shouse (formerly of The Grifters and Those Bastard Souls), it's an exercise in how to create a perfectly respectable record with the minimum of expense and personnel (the 'band' only became a band proper late last year, for tours with Guided By Voices and Enon). Ranging from atmospheric instrumentals (Telepathic, Waking Up In A Good Place) to delectable pop-infected synth-led songs (Turning The World Upside Down, Call Off The Thugs), The Bloodthirsty Lovers' eponymous full-length is unexpectedly delightful, and will be especially so to anyone who wasn't particularly moved by the band's support slot on Enon's UK tour in March. This will turn the opinion of such folk one hundred and eighty degrees; such is its charismatic charm. Ideal for the forthcoming hot afternoons and humid evenings, The Bloodthirsty Lovers may well have turned in the soundtrack to the lazy days of summer 2003, after finishing it some two years early. Effortlessly easy on the ear, this record could â?? and should â?? find a home in the record collection of all but the biggest baggy-panted metal-head or gun-ho garage 'hater'.

Mike Diver
CWAS #12 - Summer 2003
