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The Boy Least Likely To | Paper Cuts (Too Young To Die)
This is tricky. If it wasn't for the irksome insert accompanying this sweet little limited edition 7", 'Paper Cuts' would be a bearable slice of floppy haired, sad eyed indie-pop. But the two page self-indulgent declaration inside ('I made this record in my bedroom. Yeah, it shows. I don't care. It has emotion. It has warmth.') is so bitingly irritating ('Do something with your life. Pop music can be intelligent, and thoughtful, and experimental, and political.') and preachy ('If pop music doesn't change the world anymore, it's because it doesn't try to, not because it can't.) that you wonder how the kid found enough time to take his head from his ass and actually record a single.

Mia Clarke
June-July 2003
